

Long hair frenchie

Find Affordable Long hair frenchie puppies for sale and helpful French Bulldog information such as their History,their cost,their temperament and their different colors through Frenchiepuppiesforsale today. We pair reputable French Bulldog breeders and you! If you are wondering where to buy the perfect Frenchie for your family today,we are just what you need.Frenchiepuppiesforsale is here with amazing looking long hair french bulldogs for sale that will become a part and parcel of your family. We have various types of colors of Lilac merle french bulldog, blue French bulldogs, merle French bulldogs, fawn French bulldogs at amazing prices

What is the Temperament of Lon hair Frenchie Puppies

French Bulldogs, also known as ” Long hair Frenchies,” are known for their affectionate and playful personalities. They are a small and compact breed, making them well-suited for apartment living or small homes. They are also known for being adaptable and easy-going, which makes them well-suited for families with children.

French Bulldogs are known for being very social and loving towards their owners, and they often form strong bonds with their families. They are also known for being very playful and energetic, and they enjoy playing with toys and going for walks. They have a tendency to be protective of their family and home, but they are not typically aggressive.

French Bulldogs can be stubborn at times, but they are also known to be very intelligent and trainable with positive reinforcement techniques. They are also known to be very loyal and affectionate towards their owners, and they enjoy being close to them.

French Bulldogs have a tendency to be a bit lazy, and they can be prone to obesity if they do not get enough exercise. They are also known to snore and have breathing issues because of their short nose and flat face. They are also known for being sensitive to heat and should not be left outside in hot weather.

This little guy is as special as his name! Wallee is as sweet and as eager to find his furever home. Always on the lookout for a way to get into your heart and once he has it, he will never let it go. Super smart, so attentive and hilarious because of how small he is. Don’t miss out on having this little boy because he will be your perfect addition to your family. He can’t wait!

Long hair frenchie